Dr. Seogjoo J. Jang

Theoretical and Computational Chemistry – Physical Chemistry, Photonics, and Nanoscience

Profile of Seogjoo J. Jang

Dr. Seogjoo J. JangDr. Seogjoo J. Jang is a professor of chemistry at Queens College of the City University of New York (CUNY). He is also a doctoral faculty of both Chemistry and Physics PhD programs, and a faculty of the Initiative for Theoretical Sciences at the Graduate Center of CUNY. Dr. Jang received BS (89) and MS (93) degrees in Chemistry from Seoul National University, and PhD degree in Chemistry (1999) from the University of Pennsylvania. He worked as a postdoctoral associate at MIT during 1999-2002, and as a Goldhaber Distinguished Fellow at Brookhaven National Laboratory in 2003-2005. Since starting as an assistant professor at Queens College in 2005, Dr. Jang was granted an early promotion to an associate professor in 2009, tenured in 2010, and promoted to a full professor in 2012. He is a recipient of the NSF CAREER Award (2009) and Camille Dreyfus Teacher Scholar Award (2010).

Dr. Jang’s main research expertise is in the development of theories and computational methods for quantum dynamics in complex molecular systems, with particular focus on exciton and electron dynamics. These have significant implications for solar light harvesting, sensing, and imaging, and have been mostly supported by both NSF and the Department of Energy.


Outstanding Community Service Award (2017), KSEA
Camille Dreyfus Teacher-Scholar Award (2010 – 2015), Dreyfus Foundation
Salute to Scholars(2010,2011,2014,2016), City University of New York
Faculty Early Career Development Award(2009-2014) , National Science Foundation
Goldhaber Distinguished Fellowship(2003-2005), Brookhaven National Lab.
Chairman’s Award for Academic Excellence(1996), University of Pennsylvania

Address and Contact Information

Remsen Hall 119C
Queens College
65-30 Kissena Blvd.
Flushing, NY 11367
(Tel) (718) 997-4110
(Fax) (718) 997-5531
Email: Seogjoo.Jang@qc.cuny.edu

Additional Information and Links for Seogjoo Jang